Anatomy is the structure, Physiology is the function-how is your Anatomy functioning?
The more we study anatomy we learn how our body functions in an ideal world. Ideally we would each get a list from our parents of foods we like, can tolerate, and some we should stay away from or avoid forever. Fortune has it that we have freedom of choice! We humans learn by experimenting. According to E. Ellis' 2003 thesis research paper- 'The average child takes 8 exposures to the same food to start to like it. If on the Autistic spectrum it can take up to 27 times to try the food.' There are patient parents like mine who forced brussel sprouts on me to this day-and I enjoy them now, but my kids call them hairballs and I gave up at about 6 tries.after eating way too many leftovers.....There are other heads of greens in this land.......
Since we do Not get a list, nor an instruction book that explains our unique body's changing needs, we look to nutritionists, the latest theory read in Prevention magazine, Facebook recipes and whatever gathering product party is happening. The important point that so many clients overlook is that you are chemically made wonderfully special. No two bodies can tolerate the same diet- even in the same family. Genetics do matter, and family history does repeat itself. Ask anyone who has a gallbladder issue-if female, its from their father's family genes, if male, their mother's genes. You may think that your back is always going to hurt on the lower left side and you may be right unless you change your diet. WHAT???
Its a popular truth that client's come in with complaints of lower back pain, that increases in the early morning, and it goes away during the day. WHY? Here is one good reason: READY!
Because chemical changes due to hormone releases in the morning create our daily habits. Example: in an ideal world we go to the bathroom every morning. But Ideal isn't always the case with travelling, STRESS, lack of adequate liquid intake, STRESS, lack of exercise, STRESS, and all kinds of other reasons. Btw Did you know a monthly massage can give you an outlet to relieve stress and discuss your discomforts?
Example: Here is some lower back Anatomy: Your hips are like a bowl that carries your guts,(pelvic cavity holds the intestines) You have ligaments that hold the bones together and other connective tissue that wraps around muscles that create your "core" strength,(iliacus, iliopsoas, transverse abdominal, and Sciatic joint fascia). All these muscles and fascia get stress put on them if your intestines are full and not emptied on a regular basis.
Ask me how I can help you figure out what is going on with your diet, that may be influencing your anatomy. But ask me during an appointment, because I have to go to sleep..... SLEEP is an integral part of having a properly functioning anatomy! btw... massage can help you sleep too.......make an appointment and chat soon!
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