Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Resolution Bodyworks awarded Best MT Professional of 2015 by Thumbtack

It's been a fun learning experience diving into technology. As we network with other types of professionals, clients, and friends we share great resources for new business ideas. Thanks to my tree guy, I found Thumbtack, and now have a nice way to have an automated feedback system and way to connect client referrals. Keeping fan pages and flooding the internet is not my style. I get bugged by businesses daily with newsletters etc. and my inbox gets way too full! So in my small protest, I do not send these newsletter types out. If you want to know the latest thing I would like to share check out the facebook page for Resolution Bodyworks. Or better yet, come visit for a session or a chat! Thanks goes out to my new clients that booked by using Thumbtack for your feedback!